Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Summer Challenge

There is, supposedly, a list of films that one needs to watch to feel like a well-rounded know-it-all human being, who is good at this social interactions thing. This is basically why this blog was created.

My summer starts on July,1, which is tomorrow. The challenge is to watch a film a day and write something about it here. Omg! now that I think about it, it seems freaking scary. I'm quite lazy, especially when it's so hot outside. But I'll do my best, I guess.

My watch list choice will mostly be based on this list (American Film Institute created it, so it must be legit). BUT! Not all films I'll be watching will be deep/meaningful/award-worthy. Sometimes I'll settle for a cliched romantic comedy and maybe (gasp!) even finish watching The Notebook (one day, one day).

Don't be surprised when you find out that I haven't watched some of the most well-known and held-in-high-regard films. I'm young, I can be ignorant.

And thus, this exciting journey begins.